3 Tips for Choosing a Pet Boarding Facility | Blog | Realtors Limited

3 Tips for Choosing a Pet Boarding Facility

3 Tips for Choosing a Pet Boarding Facility

Anyone who owns and loves a pet knows that it’s incredibly difficult leaving them behind as you set off for a fun-filled breakaway. It means leaving your little critters at home with some stranger or watching them peer at you with pleading eyes as you walk out of that doggie hotel. And while I’m incredibly grateful for the services that catteries, kennels, dog sitters and pet hotels offer, I’m also a little worried about my furry family and the treatment they receive when I’m not around. So I’ve compiled a little screening process for choosing a home away from home for my little lovelies.

1.  Inspect the place

Have a good look around. If they’re working from a front office, ask to inspect the rest of the property. Are there any flea-ridden animals scratching frantically in the corner? Do the animals have easy access to water, food and shelter? Do the animals have enough space? Do you notice any low or high quality animal products on the shelves? Do any animals in the establishment seem neglected? It really is important that you have a look at the other animals boarding at the residence and scrutinise the details.

2. Find some testimonials

Any place that offers a service or product, or anything else really, will only post positive testimonials on their website. So don’t look there. That’s not a reliable source. Look for external websites or feedback sites that provide real-life, honest, unpaid civilian ratings and comments. Or find someone who has used that facility to board their pets and speak to them about their experience.

3. Ask about their procedures

Don’t be afraid to ask, and don’t be afraid to pile it on either. Ask about their feeding times, products and procedures. Ask about their exercise and play schedules, as well as their grooming routines and products. Ask about their emergency procedures and the nearest vets, and then get the contact details of those vets and phone them. Seriously, there’s no such thing as too much caution or concern when it comes to the wellbeing of our fuzzy loved ones.

These 3 tips should help weed out some of the you-wouldn’t-let-your-shoe-sleep-there places, and hopefully bring to light some of the superior qualities in others. A suitable spot and caregiver for our pets is the least that we can do while we’re livin’ it up elsewhere.

Do you have any tips on finding a good holiday home for pets? Or maybe some experiences you’d like to share? Feel free to make use of the comment section below.

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