St. Winifred's Pantomime presents Shrek | Events | Realtors Limited

St. Winifred's Pantomime presents Shrek

St. Winifred's Pantomime presents Shrek

Friday, December 2, 2016 - 18:00 to Thursday, December 22, 2016 - 21:30

St. Winifred's Pantomime


The St. Winifred's Pantomime has a long and beautiful history that dates as far back as 1969, when the first Pantomime entitled 'Mother Goose' was performed. 


Held every other year on the enchanting island of Barbados and on the compounds of the St. Winifred's School in the parish of St. Michael, this Pantomime is certainly a must-see. Based on its every other year production, St. Winifred's School alternates with the Ursuline Convent each Christmas Season to host the pantomime. This purposeful event reaps such success that it is one of the ways in which this private school is able to assist themselves in supporting their student's programmes. Along with ticket sales, Barbados' private sector also plays an integral part in the financial assistance of these productions.

Event Location: 
Event Cost: 
$25 US